ECB – SUMMARY FACT SHEET PBT WORKING GROUP – PBT LIST NO.18 5.1.2 Sediment organisms 5.1.3 Other aquatic organisms 5.2 Terrestrial compartment 5.3 Atmospheric compartment 5.4 Indirect exposure via the food chain 6 PBT AND VPVB 6.1 PBT, vPvB assessment


Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances ( PBTs) are a class of compounds that have high resistance to degradation from abiotic and biotic factors, high mobility in the environment and high toxicity. Because of these factors PBTs have been observed to have a high order of bioaccumulation and biomagnification, very long retention times in

”inger motsvarande grad av  kategorierna CMR, PBT, vPvB 11 och sådana som ”inger motsvarande grad av Potentiella PBT- och vPvB-ämnen enligt Reach bilaga XIII. • Ämnen med  CMR-ämnen, kategori 3 enligt KIFS 2005:7 alternativt kategori 2 enligt CLP-förordningen; Potentiella PBT- och vPvB-ämnen (persistenta, bioackumulerande och  För ett ämne som inte omfattas av farokategorierna CMR, PBT eller vPvB, vilka lagstiftaren uttryckligen ansett inge mycket stora betänkligheter, innebär  Cancerframkallande/mutagen/reproduktionstoxisk (CMR) Angående PBT- eller vPvB: se lista över ämnen som uppfyller, eller ämnen som bildar ämnen som. CMR-effekter 12.5 Resultat av PBT- och vPvB-bedömningen. Substansen/substanserna i blandningen uppfyller inte kriterierna för PBT eller vPvB enligt. Resultat av PBT- och vPvB-bedömningen.

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Tvar koja ispunjava sva tri mjerila sljedećih točaka je PBT tvar. These include CMR substances in category 1A, 1B, endocrine disruptors, particularly hazardous metals (Hg, Pb, Cd) and PBT/vPvB substances. In addition to this also ozone depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases from The Montreal Protocol are included in phase-out substances because the objective of this legislation is to phase out the substances concerned. CATEGORY 1A OR 1B CMR, PBT, vPvB OR A SUBSTANCE OF AN EQUIVALENT LEVEL OF CONCERN Substance Name(s): 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone EC Number: 212-828-1 CAS Number: 872-50-4 Submitted by: European Chemicals Agency at the request of the European Commission Version: February 2011 1 Predicting PBT and CMR properties of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) using QSAR models, and application for K-REACH Joonsik Moona, Byongcheun Leeb, Jin-Sung Rac,1, Ki-Tae Kima ,* a CATEGORY 1A OR 1B CMR, PBT, vPvB OR A SUBSTANCE OF AN EQUIVALENT LEVEL OF CONCERN Substance Name: Pentazinc chromate octahydroxide EC Number(s): 256-418-0 CAS Number(s): 49663-84-5 Submitted by: FRANCE 1 1 Dossier drafted by Anses (French agency for food, environmental and occupational health safety) on behalf the French competent authority on concern to CMR or PBT/vPvB substances and which are identified on a case-by-case basis, may be included in Annex XIV in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 58. Cadmium sulphide has the ability to cause a large number of toxic effects as is evident from the harmonized classification.

• Potential SVHC candidates: ➢ CMR cat.

PBT: CMR: Persistenta Cancerogena Bioackumulerande Mutagena Toxiska Reproduktionsstörande Naturfrämmande värstingar Många klor- och bromföreningar förknippas med särskilt allvarliga miljö- och hälsoeffekter. Dessa inkluderar effektkategorier som enligt rutan ovan kort brukar betecknas PBT och CMR

Management of PBT/vPvB substances under REACH. The REACH Regulation pays specific attention to the PBT/vPvB concern. One aim of the REACH Regulation is the substitution of PBT and vPvB substances where suitable technically and economically viable alternatives are available.

CMR moves for summary judgment arguing that PBT lacks standing to bring an infringement claim because Jubilee, rather than PBT, is the copyright owner.

Site language C) Sonstige CMR-, PBT-, vPvB-Stoffe und ähnlich besorgniserregende Stoffe (ohne harmonisierte Einstufung). 6 Guidance for the preparation of an Annex XV dossier on the identification of substances of very To identify CMRs, the EU Regulation on Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP, EC 1272/2008) has been used as a source. The CLP regulation contains a register of all officially classified substances including CMR substances in category 1A or 1B. — određivanja tvari CMR, PBT, vPvB i drugih tvari koje izazivaju jedanaku zabrinutost u skladu s člankom 59., — the identification of CMRs, PBTs , vPvBs, or a substance of equivalent concern in accordance with Article 59, ECB – SUMMARY FACT SHEET PBT WORKING GROUP – PBT LIST NO. 83 H 3C Cl Cl Cl S O O Cl Figure 1 Structural formula of a possible impurity sulfhonyl chloride, hexadecane, trichloro. It is noted, that the PBT assessment of the LCCP –fraction is presented in the PBT summary no. 110. 1.2 Physico-Chemical properties Se hela listan på 4 il s’agit là des substances qui seraient identifiées sur la liste 59.1 pour des raisons autres qu’un classement CMR 1 ou 2 au sens de la directive 67/548/CEE ou PBT ou vPvB selon les critères de l’annexe XIII mais qui susciteraient un niveau de préoccupation équivalent à celui suscité par les substances classées comme telles.

58-89-9. PBT. 17. reducing the uncertainty of risk assessments of PBT/vPvB chemicals. comprehensive and protective for PBT/vPvB substances.
Inkomstskatt del 1 och 2

Cmr pbt

110. 1.2 Physico-Chemical properties Se hela listan på 4 il s’agit là des substances qui seraient identifiées sur la liste 59.1 pour des raisons autres qu’un classement CMR 1 ou 2 au sens de la directive 67/548/CEE ou PBT ou vPvB selon les critères de l’annexe XIII mais qui susciteraient un niveau de préoccupation équivalent à celui suscité par les substances classées comme telles. PBT-criteria vPvB-criteria P* Half-life > 60 d in marine water or in freshwater* > 40 d or in marine sediment > 180 d or in freshwater sediment > 120 d Half-life > 60 d marine or freshwater or >180 d in marine or fresh water sediment B BCF > 2000 BCF > 5000 T Chronic NOEC < 0.01 mg/l or CMR ** or endocrine disrupting effects 제19409호 관 보 2018. 12.

I Reach används begreppet Särskilt farliga ämnen. (SVHC 10) om ämnen inom kategorierna. CMR, PBT, vPvB 11 och sådana som. ”inger motsvarande grad av  kategorierna CMR, PBT, vPvB 11 och sådana som ”inger motsvarande grad av Potentiella PBT- och vPvB-ämnen enligt Reach bilaga XIII.
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Cmr pbt

dvs . främst CMR - ämnen samt PBT - och vPvBämnen . Kemikaliemyndigheten ska lämna sin första rekommendation om vilka ämnen som ska föras upp på 

RTECS. CMR:. Resultat av PBT- och vPvB-bedömningen. PBT: Ej användbar.

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PBT Persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic. P B. i t t. Årsförbrukning. • Klassificering och märkning enligt CLP eller KIFS 2005:7, som fram-.